Okay. I confess: I’m not really qualified to show you how to break into writing for the Christian marketplace.
(Though actually, I have had a few noticeable achievements in that field, including successful DM packages and a book for a major Christian publishing house.)
After all, I was born Jewish. My parents were Jewish. I was Bar Mitzvahed.
On the other hand, I’m married to a Methodist and my kids have been raised Methodist -- though I never officially converted.
So even though I do go to a local Methodist Church with family, my “Christian credentials” are pretty thin.
But, one of my longest friendships in the writing community has been with Terry Whalin, who is among the most prolific Christian writers living today.
When my subscribers began asking me with increasing frequency, “Bob, how can I break into writing for the Christian market?” ...
... I turned to Terry Whalin ... and asked him to write a practical, comprehensive guide for us. In it, he spills the beans ... and reveals all his secrets ... on how he became a top freelance writer in the Christian marketplace.
You see, Terry is truly a “triple threat” when it comes to writing for the Christian marketplace ... with credentials no other Christian writing teacher can duplicate.
- Author of more than 60 published books and articles in 50 magazines, as well as a former staff writer for a major Christian Web site.
- Successful literary agent specializing in working with writers in the Christian marketplace.
- Former fiction editor with a major Christian book publishing company. Also was an editor for the Christian magazines Decision and In Other Words.
Terry knows exactly what it takes to succeed as a Christian writer -- and make a very nice living writing while doing God’s ministry.
By the way, please don’t make the mistake of viewing Christian writing as a tiny little niche ... because it’s anything but....
- There are more than 224 million Christians living in the U.S. today -- over 2 billion worldwide. One-third of the world’s population and three-quarters of all Americans are Christian.
- According to the American Writers and Artists Inc., one out of three Americans last year made at least one purchase in a Christian bookstore.
- Total sales of Christian products and publications are $7.5 billion a year.
Now Terry and I want to help you grab your fair share of this vast, financially rewarding, spiritually satisfying ....
Multi-billion-dollar Christian market
In Writing for the Christian Market, Terry Whalin reveals dozens of tips and tricks he’s learned in his decades as a professional Christian writer and author of five dozen published books.
- How to write story leads that grab the reader by the lapel and never let him go. Page 14.
- Should you attend a Christian writer’s conference ... and if so, which are worth your time and money? Page 46.
- 4 key steps to writing irresistible query letters that land you magazine assignments. Page 9.
- How to target your writing to the different niches within the Christian market. Page 7.
- Earn handsome profits -- and impressive credentials -- as a well-paid ghostwriter for Christian clients. Page 66.
- 12 maxims which successful Christian writers live by ... and how to join their ranks. Page 68.
- The best-selling Christian book that sold twice as many copies as the most recent Harry Potter book -- 25 million copies are sold annually. Page 2.
- Credentials Christian editors want to see before they hire you to write for them -- and the quickest way to get them. Page 19.
- When no doesn’t mean no: How to turn a rejection into an article sale. Page 11.
- Must you be a Christian to write for the Christian market? The surprising answer is on page 17.
- What do book editors really want and need from Christian authors? Page 49. Plus: 5 questions every editor asks before buying your book -- Page 53.
- 3 tips to turn you into a top-flight interviewer. Page 13.
- How many copies does the average Christian novel or nonfiction book have to sell to be considered a solid success? Page 4.
- 5 ways to bulletproof your proposals -- and eliminate errors that can result in instant rejection. Page 25.
- Make money writing brief “devotionals” -- Page 38.
- 6 most common reasons why editors reject Christian book ideas -- and how to get past them. Page 53.
- Guidelines you must follow when preparing article manuscripts for submission to magazine editors. Page 16.
- 7 critical items your book proposals MUST address. Omit them at your peril. Page 65.
- How to get valuable feedback on your writing. Page 26.
- Tap into your passion and personal experiences for inspiring -- and entertaining -- article and book ideas. Plus: 200 Christian magazines that publish personal experience stories. Starts on page 35.
- The 7 fundamental tenets of Christianity -- ignore them at your peril. Page 17.
- Which do Christian writers primarily write for -- profit or ministry? Page 22.
- 40 new Christian book publishers, 740 Christian magazines, 146 Christian online publications, and 34 new literary agents all in need of writers. Page 24 and 33.
- How Rick Warren went from being a pastor writing how-to books for other pastors to the author of an international best-seller with sales of over 30 million copies worldwide. Page 3.
- 5 ways to make your submissions really stand out -- in a positive way -- when pitching literary agents and book publishers. Page 54.
- Making money from spiritual writing ... and how it differs from the Christian marketplace. Page 22.
- 19 types of articles editors at Christian magazines are looking for -- and how to sell each. Page 29.
- Secret “editors’ blacklists” -- and how to keep your name off them. If you don’t, magazines will reject whatever you write. Page 10.
- How to find -- and work with -- a legitimate literary agent who can sell to publishers you can’t reach. Page 57.
- 15 perennially popular topics for Christian books ... and where to find a publisher for each. Page 39.
- Do Christian magazines publish gay literature and journalism? The answer may surprise you. Page 5.
- How to conduct research for your writing projects better and faster. Page 12.
- The 1,200 markets that publish Christian writing ... and where to find each. Page 8.
- How to make money assembling Christian content for book packagers. Page 40.
- Setting a realistic writing schedule that fits into your lifestyle. Page 14.
- Taking your article from idea to research to writing to publication. Plus: how to increase your chances of seeing your articles in print. Page 15.
- Why you should not send editors copies of your seminar degree, deacon certificate, or ordination certificate. Page 21.
- Hidden dangers of signing work-for-hire agreements when writing books. Page 41.
- Best Christian press associations for writers to join. Page 31.
- Is your idea saleable? 6-point checklist helps you decide. Page 64.
- Top 15 Christian magazines ... 12 successful Christian literary agents ... 15 biggest Christian book publishers ... 6 most valuable Christian writer’s conferences ... 10 reference books every Christian writer should own. Starts on page 72.
- And so much more....

The pros praise Terry Whalin"Traditional publishing is shrouded with mystery. Terry Whalin peels back
the curtain to give authors an inside look at what a writer needs to provide
a publisher. Following his advice will give you the edge you need!...." “Terry Whalin offers his broad knowledge of this business--from both sides of the editor's
desk--make him the perfect resource for helping you.” “Writers who are serious about getting published need more than talent. They need the inside
scoop on what really goes on in publishing. Terry Whalin offers insider information for writers
at every level.” “An invaluable resource for every writer! Ignore his counsel at your peril.” “Terry Whalin guides and inspires both beginners and even experienced writers to doing
better, successful, meaningful work.” |
Is this the writing career you’ve been
praying for?
OK. What does it cost to get professional, expert help for breaking into -- and succeeding in -- writing for the Christian market?
Well, you could pay a Writing Coach to work with you personally. But that’s expensive. Some charge $1,000 a month or more, with no guarantee of results.
If you’re an experienced Christian writer, and Terry takes you on as a client in his literary agent and sells a nonfiction book for a $5,000 advance, he takes $500 as his agent’s fee.
But Writing for the Christian Market won’t cost you $1,000 ... $500 ... or even $100.
Instead, the price is just $39 – less than I charge for just 5 minutes of my time!
Best of all, Writing for the Christian Market is an information-packed 80-page ebook. Which means it’s available for immediate download. No shipping costs. And no waiting.
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I totally guarantee your satisfaction with Writing for the Christian Market.
That’s right. If you aren’t 100% satisfied with our ebook, just let me know within 90 days.
I’ll send you a prompt refund of your $39. And you can still keep the ebook with my compliments.
That way, you risk nothing.
So what are you waiting for?
To order Writing for the Christian Market on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, just click below now:

Bob Bly
P.S. Download Writing for the Christian Market today and get a FREE Bonus Gift -- our ebook How to Write Poetry and Get It Published
(list price: $29).
In it, you will discover:
- A daily “poetry workout” that makes you a better poet -- without writing a single stanza. Page 15.
- Turn your life experiences and memories into moving, powerful, dramatic poems. Page 11 -- Page 3.
- A proven process for writing saleable poetry -- from concept to first draft to rewriting to publication. Page 12.
- Unique “greenhouse” system enables you to organize your thoughts and random jottings into a rich source of ideas and text for your poems. Page 7.
- And more ...
To order Writing for the Christian Market ... and get your FREE Bonus Report ... click below now: